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Hi! My name is Silma Subah. Currently, I am attending Guilderland High School as a senior. Writing and painting are very important parts of my life. Both provide a manner in which I can express myself; not only that, but I find that writing and art gives me a chance to show different dimensions to what I find to be important. An ideal day would simply consist of painting and then writing about the painting, in order to perhaps find a deeper connection. Above all though, I enjoy just letting my thoughts take me away- often in very fragmented and strange places. E=MC^2 became the class in which I found solace in doing all of those things that I love. 


E=MC^2 is an independent research class that gave me the perfect opportunity to commandeer my own education in a field I find importance in. The idea of a class -wherein I am allowed to simply think- without preconceived expectations acted as that outlet for the same curiosity we all hold close to our hearts. For me, that curiosity became dreams and their teleology.


When I first began this independent research class last year, it was simply that: a class. It evolved into more than just that; what began as a random thought transformed into a desire to seek answers to the unexplained. I've always wanted to learn more about the intricacies of dreams, yet lacked motivation and a deeper connection to that contemplation. As I researched more into dreams and their impacts, that connection to my research was developed. I felt intertwined with dream research in a manner that I had to continue until the phenomena was finally explained. Fortunately, it's extremely difficult to find all the answers in any topic. Similarly, dreams involve ambiguity and therefore, my research still continues. 


I cannot know exactly what this year will mean for my research. However, I do hope to write a well-informed thesis paper that will provide a glance into my findings. With help from my mentors and research coordinators, I plan to finally synthesize my questionings. 


My thoughts that solidified my desire to learn more about dreams can be found in my previous blog and website


Thank you for taking the time to read through my research. Feel free to contact me through

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© 2017 by Silma Subah 

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