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On Collaboration

The need to question that which is within our interests is understandable and even comfortable for most of us. At this juncture, it has been hammered into us that we have to question, question and then question some more. And so, it's every easy to preach the importance of questioning and just how important it is. However, the problems arise when putting that questioning into practice. If we only question something within limited parameters, our thirst for knowledge will never be fully quenched. Though it's easy to recognize and even understand what it means to question, the difficulty is proven in applying or understanding the value of that questioning in a greater way.

You know what has recently been bothering me the most? The idea of moving beyond what might seem comfortable. I understand and even embrace changes with optimism but the unknown will always carry a sense of apprehension. As much as I would like the entirety of my life to be my research, that is just not the case. As such, it's extremely vital that I learn the value of inquiry and bring it onward with me on other aspects of my life, rather than a word to associate with this independent research class. It's frivolous to only question dreams, when I can and must question so much more. I question many things- most of which might be completely irrelevant. However, I do question and I have been trying to question more; not to challenge those around me but to challenge my own ideas and thoughts in response.

I feel as though at this stage, it seems like I am doing the exact thing that I had pushed aside; it might seem like I am just writing down cliches about what I think I am supposed to write. It could not be further from the truth though. I don't really understand it either but perhaps taking this class has made me more aware of dependent thought, of things we are just told to know, of things we forget or even are afraid to question. I have many questions about everything ranging from religion to even sloths -why are they smiling all the time? I know that some questions will most likely never be answered but what I have learned recently is that it does not matter if the answer is found because the process of questioning might open more doors. Indeed I have a lot of questions, but perhaps at the moment, I should focus on my friend, Taniya, and her research in hopes to sharpen my own ability to question something I am not familiar with.

Taniya and I often talk about our different projects. Therefore, I do know a little about her project and furthermore her thoughts on her project. I know just how determined she is to shape and mold her research the way she envisions and I cannot wait to follow along. I write these questions in hopes of helping both of us progress in our learning.

Taniya's research has evolved greatly from the beginning of the year and it was truly wonderful to sift through her work. It was disconcerting just how much of a story is told through the compilation of the journals. As I read from August to present, her own questioning piece, I was at awe at just how much it revealed about her and the progress of her work. Some of the questions I came across were as follows:

1/ I have a thing about origins; I love knowing the thought process behind the choosing of a specific topic. It's a big commitment to pick something with the knowledge that you're going to have spend a entire year researching it. What drove you to choose this topic? When did you think to yourself, "This is what I want to do?" I ask this in hopes of reinforcing the passion and curiosity you have for your research. Perhaps understanding the root of your curiosity will strengthen your purpose.

2/ In your second journal, you wrote about specific genes that might influence personality. I don't know why but that interests me greatly. I would love to know a little more about the genetics- even if the knowledge is limited. What other known genes affect personality?

3/ "The Big Five are found to be biological; it has been found that these traits are universal. However, it’s important to keep in mind that the Big Five are influenced by the environment. Therefore a person’s levels will be subjected to changes over the course of their life depending on who they associate with and what settings they inhabit." You had written about the biology of the Big Five and I think this is a essential question. Even if your research has shifted gear, how can you use biology or neuroscience to strengthen your arguments?

4/ This question is a little off topic but reading through the progression of your journals, it made me wonder. When do you journal? Do have set days or do you journal whenever you feel as though you need to?

5/ You wrote about Jung and Freud, and I know the two shifted apart in their views regarding human behaviors and its origins. How do the two contrast in their views regarding personality? Which one is most relevant now?

6/ What is the end goal of your research? I know why it matters to you and even me, but in your words, what is the so what?

7/ I understand that Frank's theory is prominent in your research. However, a lot of people find that they cannot relate to what his theory states of the behavior of siblings. What accounts for this "error"?

8/ You wrote about the prominence of "twin research" in genetics. How similar are the genes that dictate personality, between twins?

9/ I know you have a brother; do you find that you and him fit the mold Frank mentions in his writing?

10/ What other researchers occupy the same field as Frank? Thank might help support your research further.

11/ What research methods did Frank use and which ones are you going to adopt or utilize?

12/ Birth order research seems to deal more with family environment and background, what research shows that genetics and biology prove and support that idea?

13/ I wanted to learn more about the birth order theory and most articles I mentioned discussed Alfred Adler. What's his role in your research? Does he have one?

14/ What parts of the brain influence personality? This is a thought that has plagued me for some time and I would love to understand this better.

15/ What external effects does birth order have? What effects do we assume are not there but actually are?

16/ What are some assumptions within your research? I think it's important to clarify or even break them.

17/ What would you like your end product to look like, at the end of the year? Obviously, this is most likely going to change but i think it's important to have an idea of direction.

18/ I recently read an article on birth order that repeatedly emphasized family size and how important it is in determining the personality of the child. Apparently, most of the error is due to the variables like family size not being taken into account. What variables does Frank's theory take into account?

19/ My research on your research (whoa inception) unearthed this really cool study done by Petter Kristensen and Tor Bjerkedal. I want you to take a look at it because I think it might be a little helpful in offering a sense of direction. Do you agree with their research?

20/ If birth order does indeed influence personality, is it a slight influence of one of magnitude? There are so many variables that determine personality that I would want that question answered.

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